Broadcasting from atop of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, We are "The 902 ~ HXIR - Halifax & Area Internet Radio". We are a not for profit, internet based radio station. We are governed, and licensed by SOCAN, and other governing bodies. If you have any questions, regarding our broadcast content, you may contact SOCAN, by simply visiting their website at: https://www.socan.com and click on their "Contact" link, or contact us by clicking on the "MORE" menu item, at the top of this page. You can also check us out on Facebook at: https://facebook.com/THE902HXIR You can also follow us on Twitter, at: @902Hxir We are "The 902 ~HXIR - Halifax & Area Internet Radio". Your commercial free music station. Where Great Music Lives!!
Some may suggest that it is all about content. They may very well be correct, as with the most common commercial radio stations, you will only hear what is “Approved” for airplay. This is because commercial radio is overly regulated by many governing bodies. However, internet radio, having few regulating authorities, can allow for different content, than you may hear on commercial radio. There are some radio stations that try to push the proverbial envelope, but again, because of rather strict regulations, most stations are required to stay within certain guidelines, regarding content, and broadcast standards.
This station is not regulated by as many governing bodies, and this allows us to play content, not available on commercial radio. We do however, respect the values of our listening audience. After all, it is of our listeners who make the difference. There are some changes coming, and over the next few months, we will be making those changes happen. Between upgrading the equipment, and page updates, we are soon to take on a slightly different sound quality. Bigger, better, and louder!!
We are “The 902 ~ HXIR – Halifax & Area Internet Radio.” Your Commercial Free Music Station. Where Great Music Lives!!